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  • Writer's pictureSophie Williams

Cultivating the best IMAGE of your genuine self opens up different doors for you in life

Updated: Mar 5, 2019

Image is much MORE than our outward appearance. There are countless resources available to help you with dressing and accessorizing - to polish up your looks or to give you a complete make over. But I always pose this question to my individual and corporate clients: "Are your INTERNAL and EXTERNAL selves ALIGNED?"

Part of my job is to help my clients from all walks of life look their best. But looking good is not enough, the other important part of my mission (yes, a mission, and a passionate one!) is to help those who are seeking that next level or next phase in life - to TRANSFORM themselves inside out.

That initial step is always the toughest. But you should never deprive yourself or this world of enjoying the best version of YOU. I encourage you to work up this courage to flourish, to excel, to shine. Does your current presence and image help propel you forward or is it holding you back?

Are you looking to advance professionally or to prepare yourself for different transitions and changes in life?

We are in this day and age where the appropriate IMAGE can really open the right doors for you in life, and this Art and Science of cultivating your best image and presence is no longer an exclusive "privilege" afforded to the rich and famous only. Whether you are an Artist, a Chef, a Corporate Executive, a Politician, an Entrepreneur, a Lawyer, a Philanthropist, a Teacher, a Hair Stylist, a Social Worker, a Student (an endless list of course)...whether you are facing new challenges, new relationships, new jobs and other milestones in life - it is imperative to put your best foot forward.

What makes you stand out? What are your best attributes? Do you have an impressive executive and professional presence? Do you have excellent interactive and communication skills? Are you confident?

Let's explore these together and develop the best YOU - both outwardly and internally. I help each and every one of my clients through this challenging but incredibly fulfilling journey, EVERY STEP OF THE WAY. In this fluid and uncertain world that we live in, where we can never be certain of our environments, circumstances and the actions of others...we can, however, take the courageous initiative and work on ourselves to tap into our strengths and our greatest potential, improve on our shortcomings and fine tune our overall presence. Your best, authentic self and image will be an absolute certainty that you have 100% control over, let's make sure the world sees this BEST VERSION of YOU!

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